
How to Avoid a Slip and Fall in Winter Weather

We can’t always avoid traveling in winter weather, so at some point you will encounter ice- and snow-covered areas that increase your chances of slipping and falling. A slip and fall accident could result in: broken bones; sprains; cuts; head injuries; and spinal cord injuries. Therefore, it’s important to take precautions to protect yourself against […]

How the Vehicle Damage Assessment Could Reduce Your Car Accident Claim Settlement

A vehicle damage assessment is among the factors that are considered when reaching a settlement for a car accident claim. In some cases, this assessment could result in the settlement being less than expected. Unless it’s a minor accident with little or no damage and without injuries, it may generally be in the victim’s best […]

How the Colorado Marijuana Laws May Impact Car Accident Claims

When Colorado marijuana laws under Amendment 64 passed, making it legal for individuals 21 years and older to possess and use marijuana, one issue that hadn’t been addressed was driving under the influence of pot. If someone was involved in an accident and had been using marijuana, could that person be charged with a DUI? […]

How Pre-Existing Conditions May Affect Personal Injury Insurance Claims

Unfortunately, a pre-existing condition may prove problematic for accident victims who wish to recover compensation to pay for medical bills, physical therapy, and other expenses stemming from an accident. Consulting an injury attorney in Colorado at D.J. Banovitz Personal Injury Law may help accident victims considering a personal injury insurance claim, but unsure how a […]

How Doctors Diagnose TBIs

Traumatic brain injuries, or TBIs, are often the result of the head receiving blunt-force impact, causing damage to the brain, a number of events might lead to these injuries. While TBIs range in severity, they may all have long-term effects on the wellbeing of the victim. It is important to diagnose the injury in order […]

How do I provide evidence of long-term effects of a traumatic injury?

To prove the long-term effects of a traumatic injury, claimants should provide proper evidence. This will vary depending on the nature of the injury and type of effects you must prove, such as the costs and financial losses you’ve suffered, as well as any physical and emotional losses. Proving Future Impairment When an Accident Causes […]

How Catastrophic Injuries Can Lead to Emotional and Traumatic Stress

In addition to the physical toll, catastrophic injuries can cause traumatic stress for many victims of serious accidents. Further, in some cases the accident may cause emotional stress to family members like the victim’s spouse, children, and other family members. In addition to compensation for bills related to physical treatment, lost wages, and other financial […]

How Car Accident Injuries May Differ in Children

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more children between 5 and 19 years old die from accident-related injuries than any other type of physical harm. As many as 150 children are treated in an emergency department every hour for injuries sustained in a car crash. A car accident injury may affect […]

How Car Accident Injuries Differ in Babies

Car accidents can cause serious harm to babies and may result in spinal cord injuries and permanent brain damage. However, many injuries can be prevented by using a child safety seat that is properly installed. Common Types of Injuries Infants Sustain in Car Accidents When compared to children in other age groups, head injuries are […]