What kind of slip and fall injuries can give me grounds to file a claim for injuries?

After a slip and fall, to claim injuries, victims must provide evidence of serious injuries or disabling conditions and the resultant damages. An Aurora injury attorney in Colorado can help accident victims collect evidence of not only the cause of the accident, but resultant damages as well.

This is important because minor injuries that cause no damages may not necessarily warrant seeking compensation in a slip and fall claim.

Injuries That May Lead to a Slip and Fall Injury Claim

Let’s consider some injuries that more than likely wouldn’t be worth the time, cost and effort of pursuing a premises liability claim. Minor scrapes, bruises, and bumps are examples.

Fractures, meanwhile, are likely to require medical attention and can result in missed time from work, especially if performing manual labor. Even minor fractures may warrant a claim, though this is something that should be discussed with an Aurora injury attorney who can help evaluate whether Colorado injury victims may benefit from a claim.

Injuries like traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be quite serious and generally warrant a claim. Pursuit of a claim may be influenced by the severity, but again, even minor injuries may lead to medical bills and missed time from work. If it was moderate to severe and there are long-lasting or permanent repercussions, it would likely be worth the effort of pursuing compensation for slip and fall injuries.

If the person sustained a spinal cord injury and is paralyzed or has other impairments from slip and fall injuries, it would be worth filing a premises liability claim. Depending on the location of the injury, it could lead to additional complications such as bladder/bowel dysfunction or respiratory problems.

Generally, any type of injury that leads to medical bills, lost wages from missed time from work, and other damages may warrant pursuit of legal action, especially if the injury is long-term, permanent, disabling or disfiguring. Victims of slip and fall injuries can discuss pursuit of a claim for their injuries with an Aurora injury attorney.

Establishing Negligence for Slip and Fall Injuries

The severity and extent of injuries can be proven through medical records and documentation. But there should also be evidence that establishes the property owner was negligent.

Negligence can be demonstrated a few ways. One is that the owner knew of the hazardous condition or should have known of them but did not take corrective action.

Examples of hazardous conditions include:

  • slippery floors;
  • faulty elevators;
  • broken steps;
  • missing guardrails; and
  • falling objects.

There are other circumstances in which owners can sometimes be liable in a claim for injuries. For instance, if it’s known that criminal activity takes place on the property and there is a lack of security, this could lead to liability.

An Aurora Injury Attorney Can Help Colorado Injury Victims

It can be very challenging to prove a property owner’s negligence, which is why it can be beneficial to seek legal counsel in Aurora with an injury attorney in Colorado. A lawyer can evaluate the details of the accident to determine if there is a viable premises liability claim for injuries and other damages.