When you have decided to file a Colorado personal injury claim, an item at hand that you’ll discuss with your Denver personal injury attorney is damages– the monetary compensation received as a result of your claim. Personal injury damages will stem from all losses related to the accident.
Legally, the intent of most types of personal injury damages is to help return the client to the condition they were in before the accident or injury as much as possible. Physically that may not be feasible, so financial damages are substituted.
There are several types of damages that come into play and can be awarded in a Colorado personal injury claim. While they vary from case to case, there are some general categories that are considered.
- Medical bills– these are most commonly associated with an injury claim. This is when a defendant is legally required to compensate the plaintiff for their medical treatment or testing costs.
- Lost wages– this is awarded when a plaintiff loses time from work as a result of the injury or its treatment. The defendant is required to compensate the plaintiff for lost work time. In cases where the plaintiff can no longer work, a calculation is made to determine their lifetime wages as damages.
- Pain and suffering– this is often difficult to calculate, but personal injury cases that end up in front of a jury in Denver often end up with pain and suffering award. The specter of this type of award often encourages insurance companies to settle claims before they get to a jury.
- Emotional distress– sometimes the psychological and emotional trauma of an accident can result in damages. The opinion of a qualified mental health professional is often critical to this type of damage.
- Punitive damages– these are rare in an injury claim. While the damages are awarded to the plaintiff in these cases, they are not designed to compensate the plaintiff, but to punish the defendant. This can occur when the defendant’s conduct was particularly reckless.
There are other types of damages that also factor into a Colorado personal injury claim for loved ones. If a loved one has lost the companionship of the victim either through death of disability, a loss of consortium or loss of companionship, a claim may be appropriate.
A Denver Personal Injury Attorney Can Answer Your Questions
The Law Office of D.J. Banovitz in Denver can help you if you’re considering a personal injury claim in Colorado. Call today for a free consultation at 303-300-5060. Also click and read our book 7 Costly Mistakes that Can Ruin Your Colorado Injury Case.