According to the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), approximately 200,000 children are taken to hospital emergency rooms across the nation for injuries sustained while playing on swing sets or playground equipment.
Of these 200,000 injuries, it is estimated that 51,000 of them occur on home swing sets, while the other 148,000 occur on public playground equipment. In addition, approximately 15 children die each year in playground equipment-related accidents.
But the risks associated with this long-established childhood pastime can be reduced with proper playground equipment installation, maintenance and care. Proper supervision of children while playing on equipment can reduce risky behavior and falls greatly. Read on for playground and swing set safety tips in Aurora.
Tips for Playground Equipment and Swing Set Safety in Aurora
The following tips are designed to help parents and other child care professionals ensure that playground equipment and surrounding areas are safe for all children to enjoy.
- Inspections: Playground and swing set safety requires inspecting the equipment at regular intervals to ensure that all hardware is properly secured and surfaces are smooth and free of splinters or sharp edges. Be sure there are no openings in equipment that would enable children to become trapped or get body parts stuck.
- Supervision: Adult supervision is a critical factor in keeping playground areas safe. Adults can gauge when a child is doing something outside of his or her ability and when risky behavior is being exhibited. Stopping an accident before it happens is a great way to reduce the number of injuries on the playground.
- Hazards: Be sure to clear the area of all obstacles, such as fallen branches or left-behind toys. Install equipment in spaces where there will be no hazards in the way of swings or other moving parts, such as trees, landscaping stones or fences.
- Ground preparation: Many playground accidents involve falls. Materials such as safety-rubber, pea gravel, sand, mulch, wood chips or playground mats can soften the ground around the playground equipment or swing set and make for a softer landing if a child falls.
- Rules: Post rules or speak to children before they play on the playground equipment. Shoving and pushing children off swings or other equipment can contribute to the likelihood of injuries. Older children should always look out for younger children when playing, and children should know not to stand or walk too closely to swinging swings or the bottom of a slide.
- Safe clothing: Hoods, jewelry, loose shirts and earrings all can pose a risk when children are actively playing. Playground deaths are often attributed to strangulations, according to the CPSC. Be sure your child is dressed appropriately before he or she plays on any playground equipment, whether it is at home or in public.
Pursuing Legal Action after Your Child Has Been Injured in Aurora
If your child has been injured on playground equipment in Aurora, whether public or private, and you believe that it is due to poor maintenance, improper swing set safety or equipment flaws, you might be entitled to pursue damages. The negligence of others that contributed to the accident should not go unnoticed. You could be eligible for reimbursement for medical bills and more.
D.J. Banovitz can help you review your options and prepare your case against the responsible party. We will help you understand your rights and protect the rights of your child. Contact us today for a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer: 303-300-5060 or via our online contact form.